April 1, 2024

Dear Colleagues:

The Steering Committee of the Budget Model Redesign Initiative invites the university community to attend a hybrid open forum on Wednesday, April 3, 2-3 p.m. for an update on Phase 3: Design. In-person attendance is offered at the Lory Student Center, Rooms 304-306, or online via this Zoom link. Online attendees may submit questions or feedback during the forum via the Q&A option.

The Budget Model Redesign is a separate process from CSU planning for the 2024-2025 fiscal year (FY24-25) incremental/operations budget.

We encourage you to stay engaged with this process and provide your feedback or ask questions by emailing us at budget_model@colostate.edu or through the Budget Model Redesign online feedback form. The engagement of our University community is essential to the success of this initiative and its outcomes.

We look forward to seeing you on April 3 for the open forum focusing on the process of building a new budget model.


Steering Committee
CSU Budget Model Redesign Initiative

About CSU’s Budget Conversation Series

Colorado State University is inviting all faculty, staff, and students to engage in two different yet simultaneous series of campus conversations and listening sessions around the institution’s budget. The first series of conversations focuses on the University’s current budget for FY23-24 and upcoming budget for FY24-25, referred to as the operating or Incremental Budget.

The second series of conversations focuses on options for renewing our budget model for an innovative future in alignment with our land-grant mission and institutional priorities. The goal is to design a budget model that enables greater creativity and increased agility while improving fiscal responsibility and transparency in our financial decision-making processes. This is what is referred to as the Budget Model Redesign.