November 16, 2023

Dear Colleagues:

We are pleased to announce the membership of the Steering and Technical committees for the Budget Model Redesign. More than 40 members of the Colorado State University community will serve on the committees for the next 12 to 18 months. Committee members were selected by the Executive Sponsor Committee through a process that included both direct appointments and nominations.

There was overwhelming interest in serving on this initiative and our process for committee selection focused on those whose expertise and institutional knowledge would be most beneficial to each committee’s work while ensuring we had broad representation across the University.

Steering Committee

The Steering Committee, led by Vice President for University Operations and CFO Brendan Hanlon, will vet all budget model proposals presented by the Technical Committee and provide feedback. The Steering Committee will then work with the Technical Committee to identify the final budget model candidate to be presented to the Executive Sponsor Committee.

The list of names and affiliations of all Steering Committee members may be found on the Budget Model Redesign website on the Committees & Governance page.

The Steering Committee is comprised of 26 members of the CSU community. The list includes all academic deans, deans of the CSU Libraries and Graduate School, selected vice presidents and vice provosts, chairs of the Administrative Professional Council and Classified Personnel Council, and representatives from the Council of Chairs, Committee on Strategic and Financial Planning, and Committee on Non-Tenure Track Faculty, among other University representatives.

Technical Committee

The Technical Committee members, primarily budget officers, understand the flow of money through the institution. Led by Office of Budgets Director Angie Nielsen, they are charged with devising a new budget model to be proposed to the Steering Committee.

The list of names and affiliations of all Technical Committee members may be found on the Budget Model Redesign website on the Committees & Governance page.

The Technical Committee is comprised of 16 members of the CSU community. The list includes college financial business officers and the provost’s budget manager, representatives of the Budgets Office, the University controller, and the vice provost for Planning & Effectiveness, among other University representatives.

We are grateful to all those who expressed interest in serving on this important initiative on behalf of CSU, and who have shared their feedback and questions during campus meetings. In the coming weeks, we will be sharing updates as we enter the Design Phase which begins next month and carries through the spring semester. During this phase, the committees will work to build budget model prototypes based on institutional research and stakeholder input.


The Executive Sponsor CommitteeBudget Model Redesign Initiative

About CSU’s Budget Conversation Series

Colorado State University is inviting all faculty, staff, and students to engage in two different yet simultaneous series of campus conversations and listening sessions around the institution’s budget. The first series of conversations focuses on the University’s current budget for FY23-24 and FY24-25, referred to as the Incremental Budget. This series of conversations includes the Fall Budget Open Forum (October 18), the summer Budget Open Forum (June), and the Fall Budget Retreat (September).

The second series of conversations has focused on options for renewing our budget model for an innovative future in alignment with our land-grant mission and institutional priorities. The goal is to design a budget model that enables greater creativity and increased agility while improving fiscal responsibility and transparency in our financial decision-making processes. This is what is referred to as the Budget Model Redesign.