February 1, 2024

Work on Colorado State University’s Budget Model Redesign has moved into the Design Phase of the process (phase three), and the committees have received their charges. The Technical Committee — responsible for evaluating model-specific design elements — has been meeting weekly since early January, and the Steering Committee — which will guide the redesign process and vet budget model proposals — began meeting every three weeks in late January. In addition, the Executive Sponsor Committee welcomed new Provost and Executive Vice President Marion Underwood in January and is meeting on an as-needed basis.

Phase three involves the committees, whose membership was selected based on principles of shared governance and University representation, working collaboratively and regularly reporting their progress in designing a CSU-specific budget model proposal. The Steering Committee holds responsibility for communicating to campus the progress of the Budget Model Redesign process. Please expect additional communications from this committee soon.

About CSU’s Budget Conversation Series

Colorado State University is inviting all faculty, staff, and students to engage in two different yet simultaneous series of campus conversations and listening sessions around the institution’s budget. The first series of conversations focuses on the University’s current budget for FY23-24 and FY24-25, referred to as the Incremental Budget. This series of conversations includes the Fall Budget Open Forum (October 18), the summer Budget Open Forum (June), and the Fall Budget Retreat (September).

The second series of conversations focuses on options for renewing our budget model for an innovative future in alignment with our land-grant mission and institutional priorities. The goal is to design a budget model that enables greater creativity and increased agility while improving fiscal responsibility and transparency in our financial decision-making processes. This is what is referred to as the Budget Model Redesign.